Christianity and atheism are incompatible. The state will either suppress one or support the other. By resisting the atheists, this police chief is rightly applying the Law of God to government and acknowledging that the Law of God should be the source of our laws. Childress Police Chief Adrian Garcia says he received a letter […]
Multi-racial congregations make spiritually weak congregations

As we examine the recent suicidal intent of the PCA presbytery to multi-racialize their congregations while at the same time offering endless apologies for unproven or unrelated “sins” we know that their immanent breakup will be soon to come. The amalgamation and ultimately genocide of God’s people groups which will eventually unfold through proximity of […]
The U.S. federal government hates the Law of God

The US federal government teaches that the Law of God no longer applies to the people of the United States of America because the US federal government cannot control people who know that the Law of God is truth and who establish their lives based upon that Law. Why? Because the government knows that when […]
Massive immigration destroys a Christian society

This is astonishing. From a major Christian Leader: “The mission field is quite actually coming right to us. That is good news. But it also represents a challenge to our churches to be ready for the mission field that is now taking shape before us.” – Al Mohler “Al Mohler needs to show the rate […]
The killing work of the law is necessary for salvation

This is an eye-popper, “no one has ever fallen in love with Jesus Christ by being scolded” Rev. Scott Sauls — PCA Minister and Keller acolyte From a devotional as given to a closed group Really? Romans 7:9 I was once alive apart from the Law; but when the commandment came, sin became alive and […]